Gun #2 and the #2 Magazines,
Battery Kinzie

Fort Worden, HD Puget Sound
A.M.T.B. btry Ft. Flagler.

Main Battery Kinzie page

Emplacement #2.
Looking west at the #2 observation station.
March 2002
Looking east past the hoists.
The #2 hoists, powder to the left and shells to the right.
The #2 observation station.
Emplacement #2.
Looking west along the shell table.
Detail of the #2 powder hoist.
Note the counterweight recess in the back of the shaft.
Detail of the counterweight pulley for the powder hoist door.
A cable would have been attached to the door, run up to the pulley that's set into the ceiling, and then through the conduit to the hoist shaft where it was connected to a counterweight.
This would make the doors much easier to open. All the hoist doors at Battery Kinzie used this system.

#2 Hoist room

Looking northeast in the hoist room.
Looking southwest in the hoist room.
Detail of paint above the hoist room door.
Looking up the powder hoist shaft.
Looking southeast in the hoist room.
Looking northwest in the hoist room.
Looking up the shell hoist.
Note the counterweight recess in the lower part of the photo.

#2 Auxiliary shot and store room

Looking northwest.
Doors to the #2 hoist room.
Detail of the monorail track.
Looking northeast.
The south end of the auxiliary shot room.
March 2002

#2 powder room

The north end of the powder room.
March 2002
Looking southeast.
The out side of the powder room, looking west.
Looking northeast.
The air space between the powder room (left) and the hoist room (right).
The out side of the powder room, looking east.

#2 shell room

The north end of the shell room.
The back of the shell rooms, looking west.
The air space between the shell room (left) and the hoist room (right).
Note the concrete 'bridge' to support the monorail.
Looking southeast in the shell room.
The back of the shell rooms, looking east.

#2 powder passage stairs

The #2 powder passage stairs.
The top of the #2 powder passage stairs.

All photos from Sep 2003, unless otherwise noted.

Main Battery Kinzie page

Main Puget Sound Page


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Last modified on Friday, 04/21/06, at 12:05 AM
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